2. 21 Questions to Find Your Style
Somewhere in the sea of trends, celebs, piles of clothing and, of course, your own wardrobe, there is you. Not the physical you, the sartorial you.
If you’re struggling to figure out who you are sartorially, it’s easy to mislead yourself into thinking you simply don’t have a style. But, that’s not true. It can’t be true: style is simply how you express yourself, and everyone has a self to express and, deep down, an ideal version of what that looks like.
Now, while I use these questions (and more) to guide my sessions with clients, I definitely don’t expect you to answer all of these questions in one sitting on your own. If you can, you honestly probably don’t need my help. But, before you go shopping or decide to overhaul your wardrobe, and while you get dressed, consider them, and maybe write down your answers so that you can get a better picture of your own style goals and how to reach them. Good luck!
Who are your biggest style inspirations?
What do you find inspiring about their style?
How can you translate your style inspiration to your own wardrobe?
What do you dress for most often?
What do you struggle to dress for the most? Why?
What do you own the most of?
What do you think you need more of?
How would you like to dress daily?
What do you actually dress like daily?
What outfit(s) have you worn that made you feel the most like yourself/the happiest/most powerful?
Why did that/those outfit(s) make you feel so good?
What are your favorite colors to wear?
If you had to wear the same thing everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What types of items/garments do you feel incomplete/uncomfortbable without?
What about your body do you want to emphasize?
What about your body would you like to camouflage?
What would you call your “vibe” (boho, trendy, classic, vintage, sporty, glam, etc.)? Do you have more than one?
How does your current wardrobe complement and communicate your vibe?
Do you need multiple wardrobes? Say, one for work or school, one for frequent nights out, one for errands?
What pieces/items can you use to make your multiple wardrobes match your vibe(s)?
What are three steps you believe you need to take to go from how you dress now to how you want to look?
Remember, the journey to your true style is a marathon, not a race, so take your time with your answers. When you’re ready, you can move on to figuring out what your answers mean and where to apply them, here: